Lifestyle Architecture Journal: Strategic Success Insights
the art of being intentional
Being intentional does not happen on its own, as Leanne is coming to learn, but is it worth it? Read what she has to say.
giving intimacy its real meaning
Intimacy has come to mean a precursor to sex, but we have been taught to believe something that isn’t true. Intimacy is so much more than that and something that can also be defined by us.
creating the safe space we needed
Just over 2 years after writing about the fact, that we need a safe space for Black women, I realised that Black Women Parlay was a manifestation of that article.
owning being black & Blonde
Learning to own our choices and that they don’t make less authentic or that having blonde hair means that we are trying to increase our proximity to whiteness. It is so because we are.
the villainy of black women
Being able to be a villain in a film is very different to the belief that Black women are really villains, but there is a fascinating link between the two and looking at the impact both onscreen and in the office.
it’s 2022, so what is going to be different?
How can you make 2022 a better year?
The answer is: being intentional and not leaving it to chance. I hear you saying, but there is so much outside of your control, but don’t let that slow you down.
Read more here about how you can make 2022 one of your best.
bringing the real you to work
The concept of coming out as Black in the workplace was new to me. I came across it first when Nathan Laryea wrote about it, but no matter how difficult, it’s an important part of our growth.
my problem with the n-word
The use of the N-word has become commonplace whether used with an -a or an -er at the end.
It isn’t a word that is part of my vocabulary and here is why.
the skinny on stuttgart
Discovering a new city, is similar to opening a door to adventure, not least when it is the first proper trip as a family of 4.