Lifestyle Architecture Journal: Strategic Success Insights

the villainy of black women
musings Leanne Cooper musings Leanne Cooper

the villainy of black women

Being able to be a villain in a film is very different to the belief that Black women are really villains, but there is a fascinating link between the two and looking at the impact both onscreen and in the office.

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it’s 2022, so what is going to be different?
musings Leanne Cooper musings Leanne Cooper

it’s 2022, so what is going to be different?

How can you make 2022 a better year?

The answer is: being intentional and not leaving it to chance. I hear you saying, but there is so much outside of your control, but don’t let that slow you down.

Read more here about how you can make 2022 one of your best.

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