creating the safe space we needed

Since writing the article in September 2020 about the need for a safe space, the thought about this space preoccupied me constantly.

I kept looking for the right platforms, the right time, the right everything and it hit me, that the time was now.

In May 2022, I launched Black Women Parlay, an invitation-only global network for future-forward, ambitious women, who want to be part of a sisterhood. We are all there to learn, but also there to give back to each other.

Being able to share our joy is just as important as being able to share our pain, but it is more than that. It is about us, being able to take our armour off and just be.

A safe space has to be a place of opinions, but not of judgement, where we can share our mistakes as much as we can share our wins.

Every time I connect with all my sisters in the network, I feel honoured, that they trust me enough to share and be there.

A community is only as strong as its members and their willingness to engage and we have a strong community.

I would love to see you there!

To learn more, you can check us out here: Black Women Parlay


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