it’s 2022, so what is going to be different?
At the start of every year, we are forced to somehow bemoan the year before and profess how much better the new year will be, but I baulk against this. I am not saying that 2021 has not been challenging, but the clock striking 12 does not automatically mean that we have carte blanche.
2022 cannot be any better if you haven’t put in the time beforehand to make sure it will be better. It reminds me of the yearly bikini body challenge, that so many of us women put ourselves under. If you are like me, you start to think about it in May, then you are not satisfied with your bikini body in June. Why not? Because there is too much pressure, not enough time for off days, not enough time for anything and then real life gets in the way. What inevitably happens is that I am disappointed. The disappointment should be no surprise as I never put in the time to plan. I know I should and I have determined that this year will be different, as I have listened to the reminders of what every good trainer will tell you. A summer body is made in winter and not a month before.
This is no different to having a better year. We know that there are many things that are outside of our control, not least the effects of the pandemic and the mutations that seem to come nonstop, but, and here is the gamechanger, we can still make sure our year looks better by focussing on what we can control.
Success needs time, planning and action, then seeing the results. So to make 2022 a genuinely better year, the question has to be what type of year do you want this to be or where are you in the process? Have you been planning and implementing and 2022 is the year of reward? Or is 2022 going to be the year of creating the plan and starting to implement it?
In order to really make the most of any year, we have to be honest with ourselves. What are we trying to achieve and where are we in getting there? If we are not honest, we set ourselves up for perpetual failure. The goals we want to reach maybe 3 years or 3 cycles are away. Then we become disheartened if, by year-end, we have not achieved a goal that was never within our reach.
Social media and news outlets, all showcase that success and change happen overnight, but the truth is, there is no shortcut. They might use clever editing to speed up the process, but that does not reflect the truth.
Make 2022 mean something to you. Not just about making money, but rather make it a year to give back to others. Don’t let the “apparent” success of others distract you or detract from what you are doing.
I made a video about an ecosystem lens and what that means to me in a business context, but this is also the way I approach my life. This is about not just taking, but also making sure I give of myself to others. Taking the time to support women, especially Black women, both in my professional and personal life. This is my yardstick of success and it helps me keep a firm grip as to where I am in the journey.
I am wishing you a wonderful 2022 filled with meaningful goals and success!